Девочка, которая уже не я.
I'm a wolf. I have no time to be a dreamer.
I'm feeling blood! I'm feeling death!
In tides of fear I'm diving like a swimmer.
I'm the duke! I'm the prince! I am the king of the forests' depth!
My mother's – darkness, and my sister's – silence.
The bright full-moon is, certainly, my wife.
Tonight she presents to me the wild bloody blindness,
Tonight I'll take somebody's life!
The speed's my friend, my cover is – the night.
I'm sliding between trees – like the gray-flash!
I'm deadly shadow, and I am too drunk with full-moon light –
I need to have a snack, to taste somebody's flesh!
I'm running… No! I fly above the ground!
Tonight the moon is full, and I'll win the game.
My victim has no chance for second round,
My eyes are burning in the bloodlust flame!
In hunting-rush, I have some time to be a dreamer…
I sing the song: “Wow! The moon is full!”
But in this night the evil trap become a winner…
He says: “Enough! Shut up! You're fool!” (c)
I'm a wolf. I have no time to be a dreamer.
I'm feeling blood! I'm feeling death!
In tides of fear I'm diving like a swimmer.
I'm the duke! I'm the prince! I am the king of the forests' depth!
My mother's – darkness, and my sister's – silence.
The bright full-moon is, certainly, my wife.
Tonight she presents to me the wild bloody blindness,
Tonight I'll take somebody's life!
The speed's my friend, my cover is – the night.
I'm sliding between trees – like the gray-flash!
I'm deadly shadow, and I am too drunk with full-moon light –
I need to have a snack, to taste somebody's flesh!
I'm running… No! I fly above the ground!
Tonight the moon is full, and I'll win the game.
My victim has no chance for second round,
My eyes are burning in the bloodlust flame!
In hunting-rush, I have some time to be a dreamer…
I sing the song: “Wow! The moon is full!”
But in this night the evil trap become a winner…
He says: “Enough! Shut up! You're fool!” (c)